Dexterity Healthcare StaffingDexterity Healthcare StaffingDexterity Healthcare Staffing
+234 802-422-1611
Texas, 77459
Dexterity Healthcare StaffingDexterity Healthcare StaffingDexterity Healthcare Staffing

Licensed Physical Therapists

We give the best Services

As an international healthcare recruiting agency, we provide international nurses a home away from home while they pursue life and career goals as a nurse in the U.S. We offer personalized support, individual career paths and benefits, education and support throughout your entire journey.


  • 3003 Deer Lodge, Missouri City, Texas, 77459
  • (832) 941-2648
    (+234) 802-422-1611

We Build Relationship

We believe our clients and their customers are at the heart of all we do. We value them as unique and diverse entities. Our goal…

Committed to Long-term Staffing

Our practice promotes multidisciplinary collaboration, innovation and delivery of clinical excellence. We are committed to long term staffing, education and training of health care professionals,…

Ethical Professional Service

We are accountable for the provision of ethical professional practice. We embrace our roles as advocates of both our clients and recruited healthcare professionals.

Highly Skilled Professionals

We deliver clinically competent, compassionate, and culturally sensitive professionals. We form therapeutic relationships with our clients to optimize their staffing goals.

Excellent Service Delivery

We are at the heart of nursing excellence delivering quality patient care through the utilization of evidence based practice, participation in research and quality improvement…

We promote Respect, Care and Dignity

We strive to provide caring health care professionals who treat their patients and coworkers with utmost respect, care and dignity.

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)